* The Allonsy Files *

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Making Sense in Organizing Your Space

Outer Order | Inner Calm & The Clutter Connection

Those of you who know me are well aware that I’ve been re-arranging my office on and off for years. It’s not because I have nothing else to do, it’s because I can’t quite nail down where I want things to go. And yes, it may have something to do with the fact that I keep acquiring stuff to add to my collection of action figures, books, or posters/artwork and other memorabilia. I like having my fan trinkets on display because it helps me see what I have and it makes me feel good about walking into my space and seeing the many visuals from various TV shows, books, and movies. Some people don’t like that, and that’s okay because my office isn’t their space, it’s mine, and it’s somewhat of an extension of my personality.

And while I’ve read Marie Kondo’s “Magic of Tidying Up” years ago, I’ve felt like something was missing. Yes, she has some great, insightful, and useful tips when it comes to organizing things at home. (Folding/rolling up clothes to make more space, etc.). However, to me, there’s more to it than asking myself, “does it spark joy?” Especially when it comes to books, there’s no way I’m keeping just five books on my shelves; sorry Marie, I read, a lot.


At the beginning of the month, I went on a little reading binge, some of the books I’ve read deal with clutter and human tendencies. That, in return, made me think about my organizing style and where to go from there. It’s not a one-size-fits-all process, exactly as I outline below.

Enter: Gretchen Ruben’s ‘Outer Order, Inner Calm’ as well as Cassandra Aarssen’s ‘The Clutter Connection’; they are two highlights of my binge-read this month.

I started with “Outer Order, Inner Calm: Declutter and Organize to Make More Room for Happiness” by Gretchen Ruben (author of ‘The Happiness Project’ and ‘The Four Tendencies’). One of the things I liked about this book is it’s organized in simple chapters and sections, all easy to refer to long after you’ve finished the book. There’s pictures, lists, quotes, top ten tips for creating outer order, and a list of books for further reading at the end.

The book is quite clutter-free, easy to follow, and has a lot of helpful tips to get organized. There are tips on how to deal with your closets, evaluating your clutter, and so on. One useful piece of advice is assigning each day its own task which spreads the workload, so you don’t get bogged down by house chores over the weekend and not have enough time to enjoy yourself and get some rest. Of course, I don’t fully agree with all the tips, such as ‘don’t get organized’, where Gretchen helpfully notes that “your first instinct should be to get rid of stuff. If you don’t own it, you don’t have to organize it”. While technically true and useful thought, it’s a bit weird and somewhat simplistic, however, that’s what makes it an interesting tip nevertheless. Sometimes you have to ask yourself, “do I *really* need this item?”, hopefully, you’re still in the shop or have yet to hit the ‘buy now’ button when asking that question.

The irony is that just as outer order contributes to inner calm, inner calm contributes to outer order.

Gretchen Rubin

Not 100% of the tips in every book are going to be useful to everyone, and that’s perfectly fine, but ‘Outer Order, Inner Calm’ is full of so many of them that even the pickiest of the readers will find a few useful tips. Bonus: it’s a book you can read in one sitting.

Moving on to: “Clutter Connection: How Your Personality Type Determines Why You Organize the Way You Do” by Cassandra Aarssen. The book is a *must* read for anyone curious about the way they organize their things. Face it, we all have stuff (clutter), and it’s organized in specific ways that may not make a lot of sense to other people or even to ourselves. Some of us like to have it out in the open, some of us prefer to have our stuff hidden. We all have our organizing systems (to an extent), and Cassandra Aarssen nails them, breaks them down and provides useful tips (with pictures & other visuals) to help you get on your way to a de-cluttered space and a breath of satisfaction when all is said and done.

It’s a relatively quick read, filled with lots of great examples and images to illustrate each ClutterBug organizing style perfectly. There’s also plenty of easy breakdown lists to refer to after you’ve read the book. There’s a short quiz to find out your ClutterBug organizing style (it’s also available on the ClutterBug website, so you can get a head start before you get the book). After you’ve read ‘The Clutter Connection’, you’re quite well armed and all set to get going with the organizing in the style that most suits you.

Only you can know what kind of environment makes you feel happy.

Marie Kondo

And this is why I don’t think you should live according to taking organizing tips from just one person/book. What works for other people may not work for you. There is no ‘one size fits all’ organizing book, much like there isn’t one ‘diet’ that works for everyone 100%. Most of these solutions are more of a ‘one size fits most/some depending on circumstances/other factors,’ including the books I mentioned here. However, once you gather the information from multiple sources, you can make better decisions once you adapt it to your style. I certainly have!

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself

Abraham Maslow

Knowing that I’m a Bee when it comes to my ClutterBug, I now understand why I organize the way I do and why I’m constantly re-organizing my office. But, armed with Rubin’s, Aarssen’s and even Kondo’s words of advise, I can carve out my own style.

Celebrating 1 Year with the 501st Legion

I’ve been pondering getting into cosplay for a couple of years, but I never knew where to begin. It’s a lot harder to know where to start when you’re a virtual newbie to anything relating to costume-making. Over the years, I’ve had ideas for getting costumes done from various TV shows (Stargate, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, etc). But where does one even begin? Especially since I wanted my costumes to be as screen accurate as possible. There’s a bit of a conundrum, eh?

Guess I should probably talk to someone who’s actually been doing costumes, right? Well, when Middle East Film and Comic Con (MEFCC) came around in April 2018, I finally approached the UAE Outpost (after spending years wondering around and casually waving hi to them) and had a chat with them about joining up. ‘lo and behold…

Director of Intelligence Ysanne Isard during 2019 MEFCC.
Photo credit to @NoxVoyager / Kevin Sebastian

As a total newbie, it can be daunting to get things organized when you step into an area you virtually have zero knowledge about. That’s why it can be handy when you approach a group such as the 501st Legion where costuming standards are quite high. They don’t just drop you into the deep end and leave you on your own, and they’ll help you along the way. That’s been my experience, at least.

Once I decided which costume to go with to join the Legion, I made a list of everything I’ll need based on the requirements from the Costume Reference Library. That place is a gold mine of information, seriously! The things I needed: belt, boots, rank bars, contact lenses (one blue, one red), wig, fabric for the officer’s uniform, tailor to make it. UAE Outpost crew have been very helpful in helping me get things together. Spending an evening out in Satwa, buying the right fabric with Martin (I had no idea what gabardine was until last year!) Martin also helped me with the tailor who in turn did a great job on the final costume that I wear today.

Armour Party!
Armor Party: 501st Legion Style.

After carefully checking with the CRL and the Outpost, I ordered the belt and rank bars from Etsy on May 28th. I picked up other bits locally. I had my first fitting of the costume on July 3rd, after a few alterations, I picked the finished garment up a few days later, just in time for our 501st armor party on the 7th July. July 11th was when I received my application approval from the Legion itself. It wasn’t long before I was involved in my very first troop.

All hands on deck, September 2018!
(Spot the Rebel lurking behind….)

I owe a lot of gratitude to the Outpost for helping me get things organized so quickly and helping me as I work on other costumes, especially the upcoming one that I wanted to do for years.

The UAE Outpost, much like the multi-cultural Dubai, are also a great bunch of people hailing from all walks of life. Joined together in our love for all things Star Wars, I made friends with folks as well. Every troop and every meetup has been fun and a great learning experience. I’m proud to call every fellow UAE Outpost member, my friend and am always looking forward to our get togethers.

Would this be a Corellian Standoff?
Whilst the Mando calls in for reinforcements, Director Isard takes matters into her own hands during MEFCC 2019…

So, now what? More costumes to come, of course! I’ve been working on something extra special since last year. Hopefully, I will have everything sorted and ready by the time the new trooping season starts. I still have to get a patch designed for Isard as well. I’m sure it’ll all come together before my trip to Anaheim. Stay tuned to Allonsy Files for more reveals. In the meantime, here’s to my first year with the 501st, with many more to come.

If you’d like to join the Legion or , give them a follow on Instagram 501stUAE

Star Wars Day 2019 – Tabletop Gaming Style at Back to Games!

As an avid fan of Star Wars and tabletop gaming, what better way to celebrate May the 4th than by playing Star Wars-themed board games all day? That is absolutely what I’ll be doing on the day. However, rather than making it a small group get-together, we thought it’d be nice to take over a local tabletop gaming store and introduce a bunch of Star Wars board games to like-minded Star Wars fans. So, this May 4th, the members of the 311th Squadron Community are running a Star Wars-themed tabletop gaming day at Back to Games, Times Square Center in Dubai from 1000 to 2200.

We will be playing and demoing a bunch of Star Wars-themed games throughout the day. So what Star Wars games are out there that you can enjoy on the day? There are space battles of epic proportions in the form of Star Wars Armada, dungeon-crawl-type adventures in Imperial Assault. There’s also skirmish land battles in Legion if you’re interested in commanding armies of miniatures and going head to head. Maybe you’d like to try your hand controlling the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance; commanding starships, troops and rallying various planet systems to your cause in Rebellion. Or perhaps you’d like to take on the role of a resident of the world in the Edge of the Empire RPG and go on a D&D-kind of adventure. Maybe you’re yearning for some dog fights in space; then there’s X-Wing.

If you’d like to join in on the fun and try some or all of the games on offer, please fill in the form to register. If you’re new to any of the games or the world of tabletop gaming in general, don’t worry, we’ll get you sorted on the day. It’s free, and you do not need to bring anything aside from yourself.

So, come down to Back to Games on May 4th from 1000 to 2200; meet other fellow Star Wars fans, learn to play a Star Wars-themed board game or two, have fun and celebrate May the 4th in style with us.

If you have any questions or would like more information, leave a comment here or on my social media channels.

May the Force Be With You!

Book Review: ‘Crash Test Girl’ by Kari Byron

As a long-time Mythbusters fan, when I found out Kari Byron has a book coming out, I definitely picked up a copy of Crash Test Girl the moment it was released. It quickly became a must-read book of 2018 for me and as the year draws to a close, I found myself leafing through the book once again and writing this.

Kari Byron was on set (in the Mojave Desert) of Mythbusters very first episode…

One might wonder: How does a woman with no scientific background end up being one of the most recognizable female faces and names of science reality television? Yes, it’s entertainment,  but it isn’t something easily dismissed.  The reality is — entertainment plays a huge role in our lives, especially when we’re young. It’s good to see a positive influence in the form of Kari Byron and Mythbusters, since the team of Mythbusters has inspired countless young people to go into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields.


Batman vs Superman AR Experience @VoxCinemas

Ahead of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice launch in March, Vox Cinemas has brought a treat for DC film fans in the UAE in the form of an Augmented Reality experience.

I’ve had a chance to try it out, I’ve done the green screen images at Comic Con and film premieres, and toyed a bit with the Iron Man AR set up as well, so was curious to see what this one has to offer.
